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About us

GTP Legal was established in September 2011 by Grant Paterson, who had been a partner at a highly regarded boutique Perth corporate law firm.

GTP Legal specialises in corporate law including advising on the Corporations Act, ASX Listing Rules, IPOs and re-compliance listings, mergers and acquisitions, capital raisings, due diligence and general project implementation and development primarily in the resources and technology sectors.

The blend of experience and expertise from large national firms in the scale of a boutique firm providing highly personalised and cost effective legal services, with extensive contact with the principal and senior lawyers of the firm, is what distinguishes us from other firms in the corporate legal profession.

The range of experience and expertise available in the firm is directed to the provision of a level of service expected of an international or national law firm, in the areas of practice undertaken by the firm, but without the overheads encompassed by a full service firm.


Email:   gpaterson@gtplegal.com

Admitted to practice in 1999, Grant started GTP Legal in 2011.  Prior to this Grant was a partner at a highly regarded boutique Perth corporate law firm for numerous years and a lawyer at a top tier national law firm in his early career.

Grant has extensive experience in corporate, mining, commercial and securities law with an emphasis on mergers, acquisitions and capital raising.

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PO Box 70, Northbridge, WA 6865

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.